Monday, March 1, 2010

Lunch made more fun when slightly OCD lol

Measuring cups are awesome, by the way.

Anyways, so I've been inspired by the Olympics (and my severely declining health) to become fit and athletic. Yes, not even just healthy, I actually *want* to start playing sports and stuff.
First step is, of course, to start eating healthier (again).
I've thrown out all the bad stuff except for a couple of "allowances" for Saturday nights.
Then I bought some tupperware. Since I'm going part time, I'm only working 4 days a week, so I have 8 tupperware containers.

This is what I've done:
2 per day consisting of a fruit one and a nut/mix one.
Right now, four contain a mix of 30 grapes (13 green, 17 red) and an apple each.
Another four contain 1/2 a cup of rice cake shapes and 1/3 a cup of trailmix with 6 peanut m&ms and an oatmeal bar.

Breakfast will alternate with oatmeal (blech) and kashi cereal mixed with vanilla yogurt (measurements to be determined) and a banana.

Supper I haven't completely decided on but I have all sorts of healthy stuff in the cupboards... and some semi-healthy things lol.

In other news, I've decided I'm not working Wednesdays anymore and they will be my Mental Health Day. I got this idea from Katie (coworker) who has Sundays as her MHD. She works two jobs, is a fighter, and various other obligations, so this is very important for her. Sundays is her day to go all out unhealthy eating, watch movies, etc.. Mine will be a bit different, though.
My Saturday nights are going to be the night I can have pop and chips (or an unhealthy snack), but Wednesdays will be my spiritual-artsy day.
My goal is to be doing yoga every day, but Wednesdays will be the day that, no matter what, I HAVE to do yoga. It'll be my day to listen to music, write, pray, meditate, whatever I want, but they have to be good things. Things that will make me happy somehow so I can always count on having one good day of the week (even if the rest of the week is going to hell in a hand basket). So any music I listen to needs to be positive. Any books I read need to be fun or thought provoking. It is me-day.

This also works out well because my friend's nickname is Tuesday and I've decided mine will be Wednesday Rain lol. Yes, I gave myself a nickname that may have something to do with Wednesday Adams and my other nickname "Rain" haha. I think it works.

February was pretty much a write off for my health due to the Olympics. You'd think that a huge sporting event would encourage sports... and it does, just not those 17 days lol. So I parked myself infront of the T.V. those 17 days (when not at work) and was inspired, but consequently missed all my gym days. Soooooo March is back-to-health month. Back to the gym, back to cleaning, back to caring about myself.

I had a pretty terrible week last week (health and family wise) and I'd really like to rebuild myself (especially while Darren is gone).

So on that note, I need to get back to cleaning and prepping for the Month ahead.
Write more later :)

Peace Love Joy

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